Maska is an Indian Hindi Drama film, which premiered on Netflix on 27 March 2020. Manisha Koirala will also be seen in the web series ‘Maska‘. Who will be in the lead role alongside Javed Jaffrey, Prit Kamani, Shirley Setia and Nikita Dutta.
Maska web series is written by Ishita Moitra and Neeraj Udhwani and Directed by Neeraj Udhwani.
Here are the complete cast and crew of web series ‘Maska’.
Maska Starting Date and Timings
Show name | Maska |
Channel / Available on | Netflix |
Main Cast | Prit Kamani, Manisha Koirala, Shirley Setia, Javed Jaffrey |
Release date | 27 March 2020 |
Language | Hindi |
Running Time | Not Available |
Genre | Drama film |
Maska Director, Producer, Writer, Cinematography
Directed by | Neeraj Udhwani |
Produced by | Seher Latif, Shivani Saran |
Written by | Ishita Moitra, Neeraj Udhwani |
Cinematography | Eeshit Narain |
Distributed by | Netflix |
Maska Cast wiki, Maska Wikipedia, Maska web series wiki
Maska Cast, Real Name, Roles
Real Name | Role Name | Role |
Prit Kamani | Rumi Irani | Lead Role |
Manisha Koirala | Diana Irani | Lead Role |
Shirley Setia | Persis Mistry | Lead Role |
Javed Jaffrey | Rustom Irani | Lead Role |
Nikita Dutta | Mallika Chopra | Lead Role |