Summertime is an Italian romantic web series, which premiered on Netflix on 29 April 2020. In this web series, Rebecca Coco Edogamhe, Ludovico Tersigni, Amanda Campana and Andrea Lattanzi are playing important characters.
Here are the complete cast and crew of film ‘Summertime’.
Summertime Starting Date and Timings
Show name | Summertime |
Channel / Available on | Netflix |
Main Cast | Rebecca Coco Edogamhe, Ludovico Tersigni, Amanda Campana, Andrea Lattanzi |
Release date | 29 April 2020 |
Language | English |
Running Time | Update Soon |
Season | 1 |
No of episode | 10 |
Genre | Romantic |
Summertime Director, Producer, Writer, Cinematography
Directed by | Francesco Lagi, Lorenzo Sportiello |
Produced by | Alberto Brusco, Marco Chimenz, Donatella di Benedetto, Francesca Longardi, Emanuele Savoini, Giovanni Stabilini, Riccardo Tozzi |
Screenplay | Update Soon |
Writing Credits | Daniela Gambaro, Vanessa Picciarelli |
Cinematography | Federico Schlatter |
Distributed by | Netflix |
Summertime Cast wiki, Summertime Wikipedia, Summertime web series wiki, Summertime web series cast
Summertime Cast, Real Name, Roles
Real Name | Role Name | Role |
Rebecca Coco Edogamhe | Summer | Lead Role |
Ludovico Tersigni | Alessandro | Lead Role |
Amanda Campana | Sofia | Lead Role |
Andrea Lattanzi | Dario | Lead Role |
Abigail Boucher | Isabella | |
Thomas Camorani | Manu | |
Stefano Fregni | Piero | |
Alice Ann Edogamhe | Blue | |
Eugenio Krauss | Bruno De Cara | |
Giovanni Maini | Edo | |
Mario Sgueglia | Maurizio | |
Thony | Isabella | |
Caterina Biasol | Maddalena | |
Alex Tonti | Comparsa | |
Matthew David Rudd | Maurizio |