Chosen Few is an Indian Hindi crime short film, which premiered on TVF on 21 April 2020. In this web series, Vikram Kochhar, Faezeh Jalali, Namash Bhardwaj, and Atroliya Uday are playing important characters.
Special Police Officer Abhay Joshi digs up the criminal underbelly of child prostitution to save innocent lives. How far can he go? Who can help him? A previous victim?
Here are the complete cast and crew of web series ‘Chosen Few’.
Chosen Few Starting Date and Timings
Show name | Chosen Few |
Channel / Available on | The Viral Fever (TVFPlay) |
Main Cast | Vikram Kochhar, Faezeh Jalali, Namash Bhardwaj, Atroliya Uday |
Release date | 21 April 2020 |
Language | Hindi |
Running Time | Update soon |
Director | Rohit Mittal |
Producer | Mrinal Pant, Krutika Mehta |
Production House | TVF Spotlight |
Genre | Crime| Action |
Chosen Few Cast wiki, Chosen Few Wikipedia, Chosen Few web series wiki
Chosen Few Cast, Real Name, Roles
Real Name | Role Name | Role |
Vikram Kochhar | Abhay Joshi | Lead Role |
Faezeh Jalali | Sheela | Lead Role |
Atroliya Uday | Pawan | Lead Role |
Divya Jagdale | Judge | Lead Role |
Abhishek Chaudhary | Police inspector | |
Ashutosh Sohan | Jugnu |